Some adtexts convert better than others.
Some ads have better CTR than other.
To get optimum CTR and Conversion, You need to continuously test ads for performance. Some phrases do the trick, experiment them as much you can. From my experience with managing vast number of campaigns I can tell you what works best, rather what has worked best for me and my clients.
While creating adtexts, it is always a good idea to do some searches on keywords you are targeting to see what people are already writing. Now, you have to evolve a strategy. you have to cut through this clutter.
There are some basic rules which you should learn first and there are some advanced strategies, which I would discuss later. some of the points that you should always follow are:
- If you are writing for search, don’t ever ignore the keywords, you have in the adgroup. Use them as much as you can. Use them in Headline, text line & Display URL. More keywords you use, more attention you get.
- Use at least 3 adtexts in an adgroup, and seldom go beyond 5. Fewer adtexts would give you lesser choice of eliminating the worst performer. Also, fewer ads mean you are testing fewer ideas, and testing is the key to take your campaign to higher level. Too many would also be a problem, because then you won’t get enough data for each of them to eliminate the worst. More the data better the decision you make.
- Always use some lines from the landing page itself. It helps maintain the scent, you already have dropped in the ad. Conversion happens because visitors sense something on reading the adtext, if she easily finds the same on the landing page, she falls in love with the website and is eager to take the next step.
- Use call to actions like, Try, Buy, Get etc. Point to be noted here is that all call to action don’t give the same kind of result. Some does just the opposite of what you have anticipated. So, testing is again the key.
- Always try to write Full Length Adtext. This means you should make use of all available character limits. It has been observed, full length adtexts perform better, with lesser chances of failing.
Above rules would help you get started with your Search Ads. For better results, you would need to keep on eliminating the worst performer and creating the new ones for further testing. You can in this way keep on trying and eliminating the ads, and hence, keep on boosting your performance to the next level. While refining you should keep in mind:
- If wide variation in CTR is observed. Don’t knock out the High CTR ad, if it performs mediocre in terms of conversion. Very often you would find, low CTR ads give better conversion rate, but once you knock out the high CTR ad, QS of ADG start suffering, ad delivery deteriorates, and hence conversion rate drops and rather cost of conversion shoots up. So, while filtering always have your eyes fixed on CTR, which must not fall below the optimum.
- Also while filtering, see if some Ad Keyword pairing would perform better, if shifted to a new adgroup. So, before knocking out try exploring if these ad-keyword pair may perform better in a different adgroup. If you can identify adgroup within an adgroup, it opens a fresh new opportunity.
- Apply logic what idea converts and why they converted, if any ad has any conversion data to its credit, however poor it may be. If that ad you are going to remove had an idea which you can grasp, that gave conversion, try using that in combination with other ideas, in other ads.
If you find Adtext1 and adtext2 are top performers. Try to create Adtext3 which sums up the merit of the two. I call this Summation. This often gives wonderful results. If you can catch which idea is getting converted in those adtexts, you can always come up with a better ad copy.
Just like summation, also try removing something from the ads. sometimes you may hit upon a great ad copy doing this. You might be able to figure out what is turning off potential visitors, or even concealing something may actually be beneficial!
Keep on repeating the above two processes to continuously improve your ad copy.
Last but not the least, the real key to write great ad copy is to discover the persona of your buyer. If you hit upon the right trigger, you will gain great advantage over all your competitors. Always discover as much as you can about them.
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